change request - archery should reflect trained GS (in General)

maulaxe May 23 2005 2:43 AM EDT

just like the title says, it would be nice if the archery rating (in parenthesis) reflected the future strength of the minion, based on trained GS.

Xiaz on Hiatus May 23 2005 2:52 AM EDT

Then wouldn't you have to factor in Ethereal Chains into this also?

maulaxe May 23 2005 2:59 AM EDT

EC is cast ON you, not BY you. you can't know in advance what the effect will be.

i understand what youre saying though. it's just like what happens with DM - even though you have a certain (number) displayed for your AS, GS etc, that wont necessarily be what you end up with if you fight against DM.

what this change would do would be help figure out how much archery to train when you have a large GS (like me)

bartjan May 23 2005 3:24 AM EDT

For that, it already shows your ST in the battle results. Combine that with some very complex math (divide by 4, scary) and you'll know how high your archery should be.

maulaxe May 23 2005 3:38 AM EDT

but i still insist that it would make sense for it to be shown that way...

i guess that lazy people will always complain about having to think
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