What is a Combat GI? (in General)

Will [Retired] May 22 2005 6:38 AM EDT

Just sat there in the small hours, thinking about life, the cosmos and Combat GIs...

What are they? Are they:

*A Combat GI's Knife? (Like in Rambo :p)
*A little General Infantry dude that runs around and hits people?
*Or a thing that combats high Glycemic Index foodstuffs?

I just dont know...

bartjan May 22 2005 6:42 AM EDT

A gi is the costume used in Martial Arts.

Will [Retired] May 22 2005 6:48 AM EDT

Ah lol, I even have one of those. It didn't click. Thought they were spelt 'Gee' anyway. Thanks ;)

Xiaz on Hiatus May 22 2005 6:49 AM EDT

And in comes the images...


maulaxe May 23 2005 3:53 PM EDT

that brings up... belts! there should be an armor item that changes color as it is upgraded. +'s give bonuses to UC - this might make it worthwhile!

Frod May 23 2005 4:09 PM EDT

That's a neat idea, maulaxe.

On the other hand, if the CB code and database is set up the way it seems to be, the code to implement this would be horrific. :-)

deifeln May 23 2005 4:11 PM EDT

Maybe the belt could gain lvls like a tat, but be worn with the GI?

AdminShade May 23 2005 4:13 PM EDT

perhaps an idea to bribe jonathan to add it :P

maulaxe May 23 2005 4:24 PM EDT

perhaps it would show in the flavor text, dunno about the structure of the code, but if the battle messages were the only place it showed up it might only require a few queries and then a check on a table to see what color.

(minion name) performs a (belt color)-belt technique on (minion name)! [damage]

AdminJonathan May 23 2005 4:32 PM EDT

oh yeah

adding "a few queries" to each battle involving UC is _such_ a good idea

you do realize that CB serves, hmm, around 3 battles per second, right?

maulaxe May 23 2005 4:39 PM EDT

i guess that would take quite a large bribe then ; )

mchaos May 23 2005 5:01 PM EDT

okay, I am a total db noob, but why would adding a belt level to the play by play (or anywhere else) require any additional queries? Isn't this a cosmetic change based entirely on the + of the gi, which already has to be retrieved anyway?

I like the idea, but I am sympathetic to the "this change is too fluffy to be worth it" argument even it it won't hurt performance.

AdminJonathan May 23 2005 5:14 PM EDT

no, it wouldn't require more queries if it were implemented right

I was just pointing out that "only a few queries" times a couple hundred thousand a day isn't a few anymore.

maulaxe May 23 2005 5:17 PM EDT

or perhaps ignore the whole new item idea, make the gi itself have that flavor text. how many queries is too many? any at all?
only the belt-color table and the damage dealt would have to be checked (which i already queried i believe).

i'm just grasping at straws here, you can probably tell...
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