One of those days... (in Off-topic)

BrandonLP May 20 2005 10:02 PM EDT

And I thought Friday the 13th was last week. Well, to start off, the day was going fairly well. As a new employee to IBM, I was expected to start off paychecks two weeks behind, so I figured (along with everyone else I worked with) I'd get paid on the 31st. I've survived thusfar on cereal and various forms of insta pastas. Nutritionally speaking, I haven't had a vegetable or fruit in about a month. My boss takes pity on me and loans me $200 to get some groceries this weekend. Things start looking up. Working a ten hour shift, I go down to grab something to drink around four. I head out to the bus a little before six and I realize $100 is missing. I retrace every step with as frenzied a run as well as a man with a laptop bag in one hand, keys and cell in another can run. Not a thing. I asked the janitor lady if she had seen anything. She proceeded to tell me about how she swept under the candy machine and found a quarter, most of this in Spanish mind you, and I eventually smiled and said "gracias" enough to start searching elsewhere. I tore apart my office. I looked everywhere, nothing. I give up and run back to the bus stop.

I was quite relieved at the site of a man I see every day while waiting for the bus. I wait around for awhile and start to become worried at the fact that it's growing to be 6:20 and the 6:07 bus isn't here. I ask the man if the bus had already came and he said, "Oh yeah man, your bus is long gone." I was about to thank him for telling me that early with a laptop to the head, but I didn't need to break a $1000 computer that was given to me. I called what few people I know in Longmont, nothing. No one can give me a ride. I finally get a ride from one of the guys in the tape pool room and he was pretty cool. That'd be the highlight of the day.

I throw my crap into my apartment (crap consisting of laptop, keys, what little money I didn't lose) and then decide to take the money and get some dinner. At the mailbox, I find a paycheck from IBM. Things are starting to look up. Enter the grocery store. The nice people politely informed me that since my paycheck was over $999.99 (mind you, it was only over that by about $13 since the federal government ate ~$500 of the ~1500) they could cash it. I even told them I was going to buy groceries and they could take it out of that and then give me the change. The nice man informed me that I could go downtown and cash my check for a $50 fee. I politely informed him that while I wasn't a math minor yet, I could also take the $13 loss and get it cashed there rather than walking five miles and receiving less. This seemed to puzzle him, so I left him to ponder it as I grocery shopped.

Trying to better my spirits, I joked with the checkout man. Granted, I was trying to get him to offer me a "Sooper Card" which would've saved me a whole $4.98 off my $60 grocery bill, but he didn't seem interested and I didn't want to give away my cell phone number. The world's friendliest bag boy bagged 1/3 of my groceries and then stared at me blankly the rest of the time. So, I took it upon myself to bag them while he watched. Again, trying to make myself feel better, I said, "I bet you would've bagged the rest of my groceries and took them out to my car if I had cleavage." His reponse? "What's cleavage?" I shook my head and muttered, "Nevermind, I don't have a car anyhow."

I liked Colorado when I got here but I'm beginning to miss hickland (Oklahoma). Anyone else have a rough day?

Arorrr May 20 2005 11:07 PM EDT

I felt for you, Brandon. Nexttime, unbutton the first 2 button on your IBM shirt. You may have better luck. Those IBM employees are so strictly White Collar with Tie. Come on!


BrandonLP May 20 2005 11:13 PM EDT

Heh, not at our site. =P You rarely see anyone not wearing jeans an a t-shirt nowadays. I have to wear a collared shirt and khakis just because I'm in BCRS (Business Continuity and Recovery Services) and we deal with customers. The programmers, hardware designers, and nearly everyone else dress however they please.

maulaxe May 21 2005 12:13 AM EDT

sell your gear and get $100

just kidding ; )

yeah i've been having rough times, but its my own darn fault for procrastinating. whenever i'm lazy i end up skimping on schoolwork, and then when it comes crunch time i cant take any extra time from my job, so sleep is the first thing to go. i amaze myself at how irresponsible i am sometimes... instead of cutting time out of CB it comes from sleep!

Fuhgawz May 21 2005 4:11 AM EDT

Well i have had one heck of a past 2 days and the rest of the weekend isnt shaping up to be any better. BLP knows what im talking about. :(

AdminShade May 21 2005 8:08 AM EDT

man that stinks...
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