Ants under a maginfying glass (in Off-topic)

[From CB1]Tequito May 19 2005 11:00 AM EDT

I bet Jon was one of those kids. Cause basically that's what he likes to do hear on cb... Burn us up and watch us scurry around while he laughs.

LumpBot May 19 2005 11:25 AM EDT

I'm a bit confused on this. I don't think Jon makes changes to "ruin" us. He is trying to make the game balanced AND put new ideas and challenges at the same time. How could he honestly make all of us happy all the time.

Quark May 19 2005 11:42 AM EDT

Fine - ant farm. Benevolent god figure. Whatever. Fun stuff, though.

Todd May 19 2005 11:55 AM EDT

You're just noticing this now?

Try this on for size: (This is not my theory, but I like it):

"Jonathan" is actually 2 distinct people.
1. A Sociology grad working on his Ph.D. (CB is it, duh)
2. A cranky programmer who does all the grunt work for the grad student.

Guess which one logs in the most? :P

Fuhgawz May 19 2005 11:59 AM EDT

the grad working on his PHD?

maulaxe May 19 2005 12:22 PM EDT

the programmer never logs in, just writes code and consumes coffee.

"and if you think you found a bug, you're probably wrong."
- thats right, congratulations! you just found a 'feature'!

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] May 19 2005 3:01 PM EDT

I think you hit the nail on the head with that one! ^_^

[From CB1]Tequito May 19 2005 9:11 PM EDT

/me scuries about in fear. :p

I liked that one todd. lol. I always wondered if it was some sort of psych experiment.
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