Is it worth it for low level chars to wear armour now? (in General)

Victim May 17 2005 1:18 AM EDT

Since armour has no NW 'allowance' like weapons, any armour you wear will increase your NW and lower fight rewards. Armour does very little unless you are wearing a lot of it, so is there really any point to wearing any if you are under 100K?

Mistress Reyna May 17 2005 1:26 AM EDT

the answer to this question is


heck even at a pr of 180k like my cuthbo, wearing armor has no point anymore

Mags May 17 2005 1:28 AM EDT

I'm doing just as well without my Helm's Gauntlets [4, +9] as I was with them. They're off at the forger's right now. Maybe 1 additional loss per 50 fights on my list.

QBJohnnywas May 17 2005 1:38 AM EDT

In Cb1 there was always debate as to whether or not armour helped at lower levels. My Cb1 character got to 400k pr without armour. As damage dealt got larger then the damage reduction given by AC began to be more worth it. 100 AC blocks roughly a fifth of damage dealt. When that damage is only 4k say that's not a great deal of difference. But when damage dealt is 400k, 20% reduction is a lot more noticeable.

Max May 17 2005 1:40 AM EDT

Let's not forget armor like CoI's etc. They are usefull any which way including up.

Quark May 17 2005 11:59 AM EDT

Be like Avoid - fight naked!

Todd May 17 2005 12:06 PM EDT

I've been wondering the exact same question.

When you do step back and look at it, it seems a bit odd that any NW at all affects PR. IF it stays that way, then fine, since we are all in the same boat. It seems more logical that there would be an allowance based on MPR to begin with, and tanks get even more. But then again, don't count on my logic for anything :)

AvoidCXT May 17 2005 1:40 PM EDT

For any char that wants to make sure they don't increase their pr too much by uping armor:

From help: "each point of AC blocks roughly 0.21% of the damage." So, if a minion has X hp and Y AC, it would take X / (1-.0021Y) damage to kill the minion. I like to call this number "virtual hp". It is a simple model, but good enough for determining how much pr you should add to your armor. Now you know how much hp your armor is worth, and you can estimate how much pr that hp would be worth with another simple model by assuming that minion pr is a directly proportional to the total of all the lvls of all your skills/spells/stats.

maulaxe May 19 2005 2:26 AM EDT

no need to fight naked!
everyone should wear armor, but without any +es. upgrades add more and more as the number of + go up, right? so wear base armor.

InebriatedArsonist May 19 2005 2:33 AM EDT


-Considering that base AC provides exactly zero protection against magic-based damage and that the majority of teams out there probably use a DD mage, base armor is pretty much worthless.

maulaxe May 19 2005 2:49 AM EDT

maybe this is just me, but i still think that something is better than nothing.
the NW/AC ratio of base armor is good enough to be worth it, IMO

maybe someone with more time than me would like to make a table or graph of something like that?
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