Leaving CB (For a while) (in Public Record)

Sacredpeanut May 15 2005 6:30 AM EDT

Well I was this close to getting fired at work today so I think it might be best if I remove myself completely from CB, at least for awhile.

I have enjoyed my time on CB1 and CB2 and I think the CB community is very lucky to have a person like Jon who works so hard to make this game as good as it is.

Just a few loose ends that need tidied up:

Ranger - sorry I won't be able to complete my deal with regards to your BoNE. Keep the money, hopefully it'll make up for the inconvenience and the loaned Morg :)

SoulCalibur - Keep the Exec and the remaining money you owe me I have no need for it.

Mags - I'm giving you my Katana, Tattoo, and Mithril Shield (when it gets out of rentals), sell them if you want and use the money on that crazy character of yours :P

Mags May 15 2005 6:59 AM EDT

Even though you've caused Brock a great deal of pain over the months, you've been a great friend to me. It was so neat to have a nemesis 14,000 miles away, particularly one clever enough to dominate so thoroughly with creative strategies. That you'd call mine crazy gives me newfound hope. :D

Not that yours was ever a NW-dependent strategy, but I don''t feel right selling these things. I think I'd rather put them -- no doubt, the tattoo at least -- in Davy Jones' Locker to wait for your inevitable return.

I hope you can get things patched together quickly and find a way to fit everything you need to in your life. Until then, you'll be sorely missed. Get back soon, Peanut.

maulaxe May 15 2005 7:18 PM EDT

What, you mean CB isn't the most important thing in your life??????

It's been fun mooching off of the clan bonuses you kept getting for us - I defiinitely couldn't even come close to being that dedicated : )

I hope things work out at work!
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