AC penalty on CoBF? (in General)

HellBlender May 9 2005 10:58 PM EDT

I'm guessing there's an AC penalty if you equip a CoBF? Mine is at +18 but the 18 is not added to the AC. I first thought it was like that because the base AC is [0] and that means you get no armor boost, even if you add to the +. But then again, on the same minion I have a Mage Shield equipped and its base AC is [0] but the + adds to AC...Did I miss something?

Xiaz on Hiatus May 9 2005 11:06 PM EDT

CoBF doesn't give any AC whatsoever.

As for the Mage Shield, the AC acts as normal.

Relic May 9 2005 11:07 PM EDT

I remember the cobf adding ac...maybe i forget, but i think it did for me...

QBRanger May 9 2005 11:30 PM EDT

The COBF gives NO AC.

maulaxe May 9 2005 11:33 PM EDT

...unless you consider having waves of fiery doom as AC.

HellBlender May 9 2005 11:52 PM EDT

thanks! I guess that's fair seeing that in the long run, it only costs 100k to upgrade 1 +. Too bad you can't get at least a % of AC, maybe 20% so if you had one that was +100 you at least got a +20 boost in AC. of course, like maulaxe said, having a personal GA on roids is a nice alternative

Special J May 9 2005 11:54 PM EDT

CBF to +100 is going to win every fight it is ever in :/

QBRanger May 9 2005 11:55 PM EDT

Not true mrwuss. Remember the CBF minion has to make it to melee for it to work. Not all cbf minions make it out of missle rounds.

Special J May 10 2005 12:01 AM EDT

I will give you that point, if I had a CBF +100, I would make damn sure he made it into melee.
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