Suggestion: Make Endurance a Skill (in General)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] May 9 2005 9:42 PM EDT

I think it would be cool and interesting to make Endurance a trainable skill. Endurance is actually trainable--there are endurance athletes that train specifically to improve that skill. Endurance, after all, is the only attribute in the game that can't be trained, but is instead granted by a tattoo in some way: ToJ's train it and ToEs grant it. What does that do? Evens the playing field.

[Banned]Monty May 9 2005 9:45 PM EDT

isn't that pretty much what GA is? helping absorb hits. which the toe does if i'm not mistaken.

Jason Bourne May 9 2005 9:47 PM EDT

yea but to do this, it would only be able to benefit the trained minion, and toes would have to go away....

could you imagine a single TOA tank with a huge endurance skill? +va, that monster would never die...or a toe mage with endurance trained :D can u say bye bye to damage? jon could bring back finger of death and u still wouldnt kill a toe/endurance mage :D

Chargerz-Back May 9 2005 10:49 PM EDT

endurance would be maxed out. it cannot reduce all damage taken.

maulaxe May 9 2005 11:03 PM EDT

you can train endurance, as long as you are not wearing a cloak or body armor...

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] May 10 2005 1:02 AM EDT

It doesn't matter if it maxes out. Look, Protection is too expensive after a certain level too.

[-war-] May 10 2005 3:23 AM EDT

strength reduces physical dmg, does that count as endurance?

Will [Retired] May 10 2005 6:38 AM EDT

if endurance can be seen as just an increase in HP then why not just train more of that instead?

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] May 10 2005 9:23 AM EDT

A lot of things can be 'seen' as an increase in hit points, like protection, AC, ToE, AS, VA. It's how you use those attributes and skills that makes creating the character interesting. Endurance as a skill just makes sense to me. It is an attribute/skill that ToJs train and ToEs grant. Like TSAs grant BL and Belegs grant archery. Give us the ability to train this skill separately as well.
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