Item Meta-Stats not completed? (in General)

Majestik Moose May 1 2005 6:32 AM EDT

Well.. I think that base-damage info for bows should be added, and perhaps also the required type of ammo.

Also, a "No penalty to UC" mark on the cloaks that does not give penalties.

There are probably more stuff, like the suicidial effects of CBF..

AdminShade May 1 2005 10:35 AM EDT

perhaps some of that info is what i should add to my site ;)

Mags May 1 2005 11:02 PM EDT

Elven boots give +1 to UC at +10. I can't recall if they always give that bonus or not; honestly didn't notice it until I blacksmithed them up, but I hadn't owned them long.

AdminJonathan May 1 2005 11:38 PM EDT

no cloaks have a penalty to UC; that's why it doesn't bother mentioning it.

Mags May 2 2005 9:47 PM EDT

Ditto for the elven cloak -- it gives a +1 bonus to UC(also +10, for what it's worth -- bought it there).

Jason Bourne May 2 2005 10:06 PM EDT

hey Jon, what about the "most expensive armor" and "most expensive wep" stat? that was cool, it gave a goal to work towards...

vendo May 2 2005 11:38 PM EDT

Stats>items> normal / tattoos

Top 5 of each item shown.
Headers link to the top 50 of each item.

That's as close as your gonna get.
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