April 27 2005 6:24 AM EDT
Although my experience is that posts like this generally don't attract the attention of the type of clan member HellFire is looking for, I'm giving it a shot anyways.
HellFire has room for about 100,000 PR. Here's what you will get from being in Hellfire:
1. Bonus. (We've been top 3 pretty solidily for quite a while - currently top clan, with room for another member)
2. Clan alliance another clan - Brimstone.
What we expect from you:
1. Proven history of clan points. We will consider those not in a clan, given a decent enough fight pattern.
2. Dedication. Purchasing BA, Fighting only clan members, etc. Basically we are expecting 2,000 clan points daily.
Feel free to contact me in PM should you not want to be public.
April 27 2005 11:42 AM EDT
Hellfire now has room for a 347,000 PR character. Steve has decided to take a break from CB.
Man, Spydah leaves, now Steve leaves. A guy can get a complex, you know.
We did take on Vagabond who is turning out the number very nicely. Still, there is once again, room!
April 28 2005 12:52 PM EDT
I would join but u probably woudnt take a low pr character even though I hit 5k score in last 24hours :) usualy i do 2-3k scores a day though.
April 28 2005 12:55 PM EDT
5k clan points you mean :)
April 28 2005 1:05 PM EDT
WE have a person joining us sometime in the next 48 hours (he just left his clan). After he joins, we might still have room.
If you hit 5,000 clan points in one day, that's mighty impressive.
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