Bot check choice of words. (in General)

Smashure April 19 2005 6:02 PM EDT

Don't you think it would be better if the bot checks used more common words than what I've seen. It would make it easier for players and still hard for Bots. I've seen words just today like lieu, and ebb. The average player (young teenager) doesn't even know what ebb is.

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 19 2005 6:05 PM EDT

That's not a bug, it's a feature!

Actually, I like that it uses such unusual words. I also like the idea that young people are being exposed to words that they don't know. Maybe a few of them will have the initiative to look them up.

Smashure April 19 2005 6:13 PM EDT

well whenever I'm in the middle of Forging I'm not going to go look up what the word "ebb" means. I'm only saying this because it's harder for some based on the fact that they have no idea what that word is. If it's a common word it will trigger in their mind a lot easier than a hard word would. bots still have a difficult time because word selection only affects the human players.

GnuUzir April 19 2005 6:14 PM EDT

Quick lets dumb everything down, that way the stupid get stupider =P

Just kidding...

AdminJonathan April 19 2005 6:19 PM EDT

The smaller the vocabulary is, the easier it is for a bot to be accurate enough.

Majestik Moose April 19 2005 6:33 PM EDT

heh.. I'm having a good time, learning what those strange words are.
(I'm as you probably can tell by my sentence structure, and badly grammar, not a native english speaker).
Ebb however, isn't that the opposite of flood?
Tidal waves and such.

maulaxe April 19 2005 6:41 PM EDT

i like the word variety too - wierd words are fun! /me likes large lexicons!

just a question for jon, where do you get your words from? (or would revealing that make it easier for bots?)

sasquatchan April 19 2005 6:43 PM EDT

something like "grep [a-z][a-z][a-z]? /usr/dict > list_of_botcheck_words" perhaps ? (Syntax may be off, but the gist stands..)

Reebok April 21 2005 4:54 AM EDT

/me actually does stop fighting to look up words sometimes...

Todd April 21 2005 6:01 AM EDT

If any words are removed from the list, please leave enough of the "good ones" to give us simpletons a laugh once in a while.

May I also suggest adding "fart" , since that is _always_ funny.

IndependenZ April 21 2005 7:29 AM EDT

old//fart ... j/k

I also like the variety. You never know what 'word' you're going to get! New players shouldn't have such a big problem with those things. Just read what it says, and type it in the little box. Does it matter whether it's a word you know or not? Hotmail and PayPal use code verification too. And theirs are a lot harder to read. It all adds to the security.
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