DE version of DM idea (in General)

Undertow April 19 2005 3:10 PM EDT

DM, as it is now, gets cast on the enemy, and nerfs any enchantment cast on the enemy. Their DE and your OE all get squished.

Why not have a version you could cast on yourself? Your DE and their OE get squished.

For the people predisposed to making CB realistic: If you can cast a spell on your enemies, why shouldn't you be able to cast it on yourself or your team? I mean, when you get fireball backlash isn't it really your own team in the area of your fireball? So you can cast spells on your team... kinda... and lots of enchantments obviously.

For the people predisposed to balance: Obviously adding this would bring balance. Everyone has said AMF or DM. Well, if you go AMF, obviously AMF is your weakness as well. What if that weren't the case. But you had to give up AS? Crazy crazy crazy ideas. But I think it would help balance things.

For the people predisposed to DM: You get MORE dispel magic! YAY!

The only thing that I can see being a problem, is that DM is confusing enough already, adding a second one would be weird. You'd have to name is something different, and distiquish it somehow.

maulaxe April 19 2005 3:22 PM EDT

good idea! it does make sense, in an evil, twisted sort of way - I like it!

AdminShade April 19 2005 4:11 PM EDT

so that would perhaps make your EO DE cancel out your ED DE?

moser April 19 2005 4:24 PM EDT

So if you cast EC it will affect your own minions as well as the opponents? VA? GA?

slurpz April 19 2005 4:26 PM EDT

no would just cancel out your own VA and GA but cancel out the opponent's AMF and EC

slurpz April 19 2005 4:26 PM EDT

hmm...but would DM and this DE version of DM cancel each other out? :P

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 19 2005 4:29 PM EDT

I've been thinking about this for a while now. Either something that negates enchantments that get cast on your minions, OR something that reflects enchantments that get cast on your team.

Either one would make an interesting addition to the game but I haven't given enough thought to the important questions like
- What should the learning curve/training costs be like?
- Should it have a cap? How much?
- Should they affect Dispel? How?
- What does it mean to reflect DE?
- Can enchantments go negative? What happens then?

I think I would prefer "Negation" as a direct compliment to Dispel Magic.

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 19 2005 4:32 PM EDT

hmm...but would DM and this DE version of DM cancel each other out? :P

Just to be silly... How about if DM and Negation meet, the enchanter with less XP trained in their respective spell instantly dies? And the spell fizzles.

No more base DM wheeeee!

Tribute April 19 2005 4:37 PM EDT

You do mean that your ED and their OE get squished if you cast DE?
DM already does what you said "Their DE and your OE all get squished."

And the name, Dispel Enchantments??? How silly! Dispel Magic could mean either one.

Undertow April 19 2005 5:00 PM EDT

Think of 2 groups of 4 minions standing on a battle field.

The enchantments are cast, each of the casters going through their motions and dances.

all sorts of glowy fields erupt around each of the groups as the enchantments are cast. Characters weaken, magical barriers are errected, and angles burst forth from seemingly nowhere.

Last but not least, group A casts DM on group B. Anything enchantments that were effecting them are weakened or squished.

With this, you would cast a version of DM on yourself. Squishing enchantments on YOUR side.

DM and this wouldn't cancel eachother out. In fact, they'd help eachother. So your oppenant does that nifty thing (that I've done as well, it kinda works) or casting a big AMF and a small DM. Well, they just helped you out a little. Your using this new DM and as such, dont' have any Defensive (cast on yourself) enchantments. His AMF shrinks under the weight of his own DM, while your self dispel magic finishes it off.

Mythology April 19 2005 5:18 PM EDT

*coughs* bit like this maybe? :p

"Not a great name, maybe like Aura of Null or something, basically works like DM but in reverse, instead of dispelling magic on their minions does it on your own, effective against EC and AMF baically, maybe add a bit of reduction to magic damage to it also to add scope. Just a thought as EOs are a little too powerful now in comparison to EDs. "

From :

chernobyl April 19 2005 6:52 PM EDT

How strange, I just thought if this idea last night. It would be DM but affects your minions instead of enemy minions. Obviously your Haste would be affected but so would enemy AMF. The way I thought it up, opponent DM goes first, then your self-DM affects the remainder if there is any, similar to how Protection works on the remainder of damage after AC.
But then again, aren't there enough Enchant Defense spells?

Jason Bourne April 19 2005 6:57 PM EDT

heres what i see happening...single mages are already rampant, the only way we have to control them is a mage shield and amf...seekers do ok as well. let me give u a minion set up for u to consider...

minion 1) HP and Fireball TOE as well
minion 2) Dispell Enchantments

at the beginning of the battle, poof everyones AMF dissapears! now the mage takes no damage from his own fireball! if you were going to do this, (i still think its a great idea by the way) wee need auto-mage seeking weps like the SoD back, maybe even a melee wep that seeks mages...then you could run a two tank team..tank one has regular wep the other tank has a mage killing wep...

just something to think about...

Grant April 19 2005 10:00 PM EDT

The amount of damage I take from AMF is negligible (with a TOE). A single minion mage will probably have at least 50% of his/her/its experience in their spell. That means another team is probably going to find it difficult to train an AMF above 0.3, and when they do, their ability to attack is impaired.

But that's not the point. The point is, what happens when you cast this proposed new spell vs. DM? I can see coding that to be nasty.

And because Jon already considers DM borderline too powerful, I'm going to have to guess that *more* DM is not high on his priority list.

miteke [Superheros] April 20 2005 9:13 AM EDT

DM spells are already far more powerful than melee weapons even with AMS. Throw in a way to negate the AMS and it gets even worse. If DD spell damage was lowered then I could see a counterspell to AMS.

BrandonLP April 20 2005 9:45 AM EDT

Grant, I don't know what you consider negligible, but when there are people who can cast .40 and above AMFs on you, I hardly call that negligible. And I even have a 127k ToE.
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