Win a Treo (in Off-topic)

Sukotto [lookingglas] April 19 2005 1:18 PM EDT

Palm claims to be giving away a Treo every five minutes from now until midnight (Eastern). If you're willing to risk giving them your email address you can enter by clicking: (opens in new window).
Good luck to anyone that enters

(In this case, "midnight" means 11:59:59pm April 19,. 2005)

Sedecim April 19 2005 3:01 PM EDT

It even has a botcheck... ;P

slurpz April 19 2005 3:10 PM EDT

lol you can enter as many times as you want

maulaxe April 19 2005 3:30 PM EDT

one would think that CBers would be sick and tired of bot checks ;)

Chargerz-Back April 19 2005 3:53 PM EDT

but those bot checks are puny and easy to defeat with out huge muscles!

Special J April 19 2005 3:55 PM EDT

and huge glasses too,

thier choice of font trumps Jon's in the bad idea section.
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