Character Transfer Fee (in General)

Becoming April 12 2005 7:47 PM EDT

I'm about to transfer my character, Becoming. He has a PR of 280,415 and each minion is completely naked.

"A transfer fee of $423,890 will apply. This fee is equal to the $50,000 plus the PR of the Character, plus the sum of the item transfer fees that would apply if they were being transferred individually."

280,415 + 50,000 + 0 = 330,415 != 423,890

Does anyone know why this fee is so much higher than it should be (according to the description)?

[EG] Almuric April 12 2005 8:44 PM EDT

Does he have untrained experience? If so, that counts. I don't know what else might be included.

vendo April 12 2005 8:51 PM EDT

When someone says "completely naked" they generally mean, "nothing equipped".
At first I would assume that you know everything on your char counts towards this limit even if it's not equipped.
But....I can't rule this out without asking, Was there anything on the char, even unequipped?
If not, I dunno. If yes, there ya go.

vendo April 12 2005 8:53 PM EDT

Ah, good one Almuric. Forgot about that.

Becoming April 13 2005 8:47 AM EDT

There was about 25 total untrained exp among all the minions and no gear at all sitting "on the character."

AdminJonathan April 13 2005 9:31 AM EDT

Changed wording.
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