2 users on same IP (in Public Record)

Jackinthebox April 9 2005 7:32 AM EDT

Jackinthebox is my account i got my brother to start playing this game today his acocunt is Light Cloud our IP is thanks

RIPsalt3d April 9 2005 7:34 AM EDT

Hey! Get off my LAN! :P

Fuhgawz April 9 2005 7:49 AM EDT

yea that is what my lan ip is too??

bartjan April 9 2005 8:37 AM EDT

All IP numbers starting with 192.168 are private IP numbers, and should never be in use on the Internet. This is also true in your case, as your IP number for on the Internet is (AKA cpe-069-132-151-033.carolina.res.rr.com).

PS. Why do people make these posts anyway?

vendo April 9 2005 12:10 PM EDT

Because less informed players, who think they are helping, don't know enough to do it right.

Also failing to read the FAQs.

FAQ>Terms of Use>#1

If you share an IP with other players, you should avoid transfers (particularly one-sided ones) to each other to avoid the appearance of evil"

It's really that simple people. the admins will be able to tell if you have been breaking the rules.

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