i want to learn to code (in Off-topic)

WeaponX April 3 2005 7:03 PM EDT

i was wondering if anybody could teach me?

AdminShade April 3 2005 7:14 PM EDT

code what?


WeaponX April 3 2005 7:19 PM EDT

all of the above? i know 0 as it stands but i find it extremely interesting and want to learn as much as possible

InebriatedArsonist April 3 2005 7:23 PM EDT

There are beginner guides to using HTML on the net, just use google. As for the others...well, you could look into taking a course somewhere to learn them. Using any of the languages like C, Java or Perl will take a long, long time.

Maelstrom April 3 2005 7:25 PM EDT

There are beginners guides to everything on the net, not just HTML. I'd say, take a look at those in order to get an idea of what you want to learn.

Most languages are better at specific tasks than others. Is there something specific that you want to code?

WeaponX April 3 2005 7:30 PM EDT

well i learn very fast but i'm looking for more like a teacher. a ton of CBers know these things and i would like some help. specifically i want to code an MMORPG

Maelstrom April 3 2005 7:32 PM EDT

You want to make a MMORPG, but you've never coded before? I'd suggest taking college courses, since it would be tough to teach yourself enough to make a game.

BrandonLP April 3 2005 7:36 PM EDT

If you're looking for something you can sell as a retail product, I wouldn't carry on any further. Most languages are very in-depth and can take years to master. However, if you're just looking to do something basic and then maybe work up from there, I could help you with C++, which would probably be the direction you wanna go in.

WeaponX April 3 2005 7:39 PM EDT

thats exactly what i want brandon. i'm looking to work my way up

BrandonLP April 3 2005 7:43 PM EDT

Send me a CM or a PM, I'll be on for awhile.

[FireBreathing]Chicken April 3 2005 8:33 PM EDT

learn java or C++. :)

I reccomend taking a course at some community college or taking an online course.

Unless you're talented, its difficult to grasp the concept of object oriented programming from a book or internet source.

BrandonLP April 3 2005 8:34 PM EDT

I disagree. Try learning it from my professor and you'll be glad you had a book. I'm dreading Data Structures and Numerical Analysis with him.

Maelstrom April 3 2005 10:10 PM EDT

Oh, Data Structures are fun! It's the Design Patterns that kill me... Instead of writing straightforward code, obfuscate it so that you have to jump through hundreds of methods over several files to do the most simple operations. Bah!

A "good" prof should be able to describe programming well, but each person's concept of "good" is different. Personally, I need lots of theory to learn, but most other people can get by with examples.

Strafe April 5 2005 4:19 AM EDT

If you wanna code HTML, fine, spend a few weeks on HTMLGoodies.com, if you wanna learn C++, go to a Trade School or University when your older! =)

bartjan April 5 2005 4:38 AM EDT

Please don't refer to writing html as 'coding'. Turing would roll over in his grave when he hears that ;)

maulaxe April 6 2005 3:11 AM EDT

and in that case you could then wrap a wire around him a couple thousand times, and generate electricity :p

Learning to code takes quite a while - and if you try to learn in too short a time period your knowlege would be broad, but shallow. i'd suggest looking at college bookstores for used textbooks, or older editions at used bookstores (textbooks are WAY too expensive - this is coiming from a college student) if you had some structure and order to learn with it will help a lot. but what would be the most help is simply another human being - but those are more expensive than old textbooks ;)
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