Who Should CB Hate? - "Temptation the Game" (in Contests)

Mythology March 31 2005 6:32 PM EST

A very simple game, if everyone reads the following rules :)
RULES (to be read).
1) The game is : pass temptation.

2) Once you have 'passed temptation' you will never have to face it again.

3) When it is your turn to be tested you will be sent an amount of money with the note "I trust you". You then have 2 options :
Road of disloyalty : "The person who sent me this is an idiot to think I wouldn't keep the money, I hope everyone sees how stupid they are". Then keep the money.
Road of loyalty : "I'd kind of like to keep the money, but its only a few $s cost to pass this on, and I dont want to make the person who sent me it and trusted me look stupid, I'll pass on the money". Then post on this thread you are taking the road of loyalty, then move to step (4).

4) Send the money you recieved PLUS another $500 to someone on the game you KNOW is ACTIVE and you TRUST. If they already passed temptation then you cannot send to them. Basically think to yourself 'who do i trust not to keep the money, who wont let me down?'. Once you have chosen attach the note "I trust you" and dont forget to send $500 more than you recieved and passed. NOW - Post to the thread the transfer log of you sending it, well done. You have passed temptation, you have proven you friend right, lets hope you sent it to a decent person... Good luck.

5) Note if temptation is not passed within 48 hours of it being sent, it is assumed the road of disloyalty has been chosen, so make sure the person you're sending it to will be online with 48 hours and does not take too long over decisions :p

Lets see how long we can get this to go :D

Mythology March 31 2005 6:38 PM EST

Mythology (Genesis) Trillian (Dark Materials) $500 -- I trust you 6:35 PM EST

Trillian March 31 2005 6:46 PM EST

Trillian (Dark Materials [FaV]Favorite 70's Music (The Germs) $1000 6:45 PM EST

Relic March 31 2005 6:48 PM EST

What happens to the money once it has been sent all around?

Mythology March 31 2005 6:51 PM EST

Unlike Trillian, everyone who gets temptation, please read and follow the directions, like posting your road, and attaching note "I trust you" please :D

Trillian March 31 2005 7:06 PM EST

Trillian was the only one who had Myth waffling away in PM about his new contest whilst trying to read the rules! I think I can be forgiven for missing one little detail!

Chocolate Thunder March 31 2005 7:12 PM EST

Time to push it out of valinor and start making it interesting, eh.

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast (Bartlett) $1500 -- I trust you 7:10 PM EST

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 31 2005 8:11 PM EST

Let us invite Hellfire to play along!

Bast (Bartlett) to spydah (Spid) $2000 -- I trust you! 8:08 PM EST

Blarg March 31 2005 8:23 PM EST

/me awaits eagerly for someone to send him money.

Tribute March 31 2005 8:51 PM EST

Too bad no one knows me! But in the end, won't someone have to go through the road of disloyalty?

Maelstrom March 31 2005 9:03 PM EST

Maybe the cash resulting from this could be put into the tourney rewards fund? That was the reason why tourneys haven't yet been implemented, that there wasn't anything for rewards. Considering how valuable cash is right now, it might motivate people to play.

Tribute March 31 2005 9:08 PM EST

It would for me. However, the current player is the only one who decides the people who play. Oh and this is actually a good way to loan people money for 2 days. /me smirks.

spydah March 31 2005 9:12 PM EST

You love me, you really love me!

so, name that event AND the movie! HA.

spydah (Spid) Ranger (The Apocalypse Book) $2500 -- I Trust You 9:03 PM EST


Stephen March 31 2005 9:30 PM EST

Sally Field winning her best actress Oscar for "Norma Rae"

Reebok March 31 2005 10:18 PM EST

Also, a random Jim Carrey outburst in The Mask.

QBRanger March 31 2005 11:04 PM EST

Time to involve the big boy.

Ranger (The Apocalypse Book) Steve G (The Steveh) $3000 -- I trust U 11:04 PM EST

Steve, balls in your court.

Undertow March 31 2005 11:37 PM EST

Yeah..... to let you guys know, you send this to me, it's mine. Trust, pfft, that's cold hard cash. It can buy trust.

QBsutekh137 March 31 2005 11:42 PM EST

I can clearly cheat and say no matter the dollar amount, I would pass it on.

That's the easy part.

Who to pass it to? Last I checked, Vienna Teng doesn't Blend. And she isn't returning my phone calls. Not a single one.

Steve G April 1 2005 9:08 AM EST

Steve G (The Steveh) krasko (Good Guy) $3500 -- i trust you 9:06 AM EST

WeaponX April 1 2005 9:38 AM EST

very interesting...

krasko April 1 2005 10:10 AM EST

krasko (Good Guy) Warchild (Alucard) $4000 -- I trust you

CBMan11 April 1 2005 11:48 AM EST

i like the idea, i hope the person that chooses the road to disloyalty will be yelled at for the rest of his life (on CB that is) :)

Warchild April 1 2005 11:59 AM EST

Warchild (Alucard) BooDiggity (Czech Forger) $4500 -- I trust you 11:58 AM EST

Interesting idea Myth

{CB3}-HR22 April 1 2005 1:49 PM EST

heh, this is awsome idea, when is it my turn! :P

Xenko April 1 2005 3:14 PM EST

This is a sweet idea... especially if it gets really big :)

Todd April 1 2005 3:16 PM EST

If it hits $1,000,000 , don't send it to me ;)

[EG] Almuric April 1 2005 3:16 PM EST

Could you guys hurry up with this? When it gets to $3 mil or so, send it to me. I really need that CoBF. Thanks.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] April 1 2005 3:24 PM EST

Interesting game but if someone was to send me the money I probably wouldn't even notice it. A few K is small change and I don't check my transfer logs that often. Maybe a CM saying "Do the right thing" should be sent so that people know they are being tested.

BooDiggens April 1 2005 3:30 PM EST

BooDiggity (Czech Forger) GnuUzir (Nardo Polo) $5000 -- I Trust You 3:29 PM EST

GnuUzir April 1 2005 3:41 PM EST

GnuUzir (Nardo Polo) InebriatedArsonist (Susan Death) $55000 -- I trust you ;-P

Mythology April 1 2005 5:12 PM EST

unless you want to make the game very interesting, I'd suggest Arsonist if he wants to take the road of loyalty to send $6,000 to a person he trusts and the rest back to you :)

krasko April 2 2005 9:43 PM EST

it seems the money are lost ?

InebriatedArsonist April 2 2005 10:05 PM EST

InebriatedArsonist (Susan Death) Chet (Cougars) $55500 -- Susan Trusts You... 12:47 AM EST

I figured Chet would be on top of things and notice the extra cash, but I guess I gave him too much credit. ;p

QBsutekh137 April 2 2005 10:16 PM EST

Chet (Cougars) [EG] Almuric (almuric) $100000 -- I trust you. 10:15 PM EST

Jacked it up to 100K. Enjoy.

[EG] Almuric April 2 2005 10:29 PM EST

[EG] Almuric (almuric) Myonax (Innocent) $100500 -- I trust you, man! 10:27 PM EST

I guess this means I won't get it back when it gets to $3 mil. Suckage. :)

QBsutekh137 April 2 2005 10:40 PM EST

Nice call, Almuric. *grin* I am weeding out the chaff.

Myonax April 3 2005 3:03 AM EDT

I sent it to Todd :) I almost sent it to Jon, but he enjoys pointing out stupidity too much :P

3D April 3 2005 2:44 PM EDT

you know, i really would like to keep this money if its sent to me, but... gee this is a hard decision, specially when u need money, bu then again, who doesnt?

Todd April 3 2005 5:26 PM EDT

I sent $101,500 to expostfacto.. Jon's character.

DizzyGuy April 3 2005 5:40 PM EDT

Crap, we'll never see it again ;)

Tribute April 3 2005 6:21 PM EDT

How sad. Tragic. Yes, who should CB hate? (Don't hate me please!)

AdminShade April 3 2005 7:19 PM EDT

perhaps also an idea to send a chat mail to that person so he/she notices it a bit sooner :)

but i like the idea

Maelstrom April 3 2005 7:29 PM EDT

Nice message, Todd: "do the right thing"! That'll confuse him. :)

AdminJonathan April 3 2005 7:44 PM EDT

Jonathan (expostfacto) darkpixie (pixie) $102000 -- "trust fund"

Fuhgawz April 3 2005 7:50 PM EDT

good thing noone trusts me

darkpixie April 3 2005 8:00 PM EDT

glad Shade likes the idea.
darkpixie (pixie) Shade (Ilúvatar) $102500 -- "I trust you" :-) 7:58 PM EDT

AdminShade April 3 2005 8:10 PM EDT

Shade (Ilúvatar) [STBD]Fuhgawz (Fuhgawz) $103000 -- I trust you, honest! 8:09 PM EDT

Mythology and all other people: note that transfer fee itself now is larget than the $500 that you are putting in.

(don't know if this only is affecting the person sending or both ends)

Fuhgawz April 3 2005 8:25 PM EDT

sent to bubo

deifeln April 3 2005 11:53 PM EDT

Someone send it to a member of the Ministry of Pain

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 4 2005 2:23 AM EDT

so who ends up with the money if it never ends?......lol

Nobodys gonna want a 500k transfer fee...>.<

Stephen April 4 2005 2:41 AM EDT

500K transfer fee would be for 100,000,000. I think someone would have kept it long before then!

[Banned]Monty April 4 2005 2:56 AM EDT

/me whines..my turn! j/k j/k I never really looked at this post til now heh

cool idea =)

sssimmo April 4 2005 4:13 AM EDT

deifeln, thats a Super idea.....Giddeup

[Banned]Monty April 4 2005 4:39 AM EDT

so IF someone keeps it what happens to that person Hypitheticaly Speaking :)

AdminShade April 4 2005 5:59 AM EDT

that person will be BOO'd upon until death follows :P

[Banned]Monty April 4 2005 6:10 AM EDT

lol not bad :)

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 4 2005 12:23 PM EDT

Bubo (Smith) BrandonLP (Lumiere) $104000 -- I trust you! 12:20 PM EDT

It would be helpful to have a list of the people who have already passed temptation.

FYI: The transfer fee for this is $416 for an e-clan member enjoying his bonus.

BrandonLP April 4 2005 1:35 PM EDT

BrandonLP (Lumiere) [STBD]Fuhgawz (Fuhgawz) $105000 -- I trust you.

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 4 2005 1:40 PM EDT

I decided to start the list (In order of passing temptation):

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast
Steve G
[EG] Almuric

BrandonLP April 4 2005 1:43 PM EDT

Ack, I missed that Fuhgawz already passed temptation. I guess he can just pass it on again and I'll reimburse him for the transfer fees.

Tribute April 4 2005 1:50 PM EDT

The sad thing is that one could change one's username to receive the money again. It's hard to recognize the difference in name choices sometimes.

AdminShade April 4 2005 2:00 PM EDT

a player can only change names after 1 month... so that problem won't be so big and it won't (shouldn't) allow the player to receive it twice.

Todd April 4 2005 2:06 PM EDT

Bubo, you missed me too, I am between Myonax and Jonathan

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 4 2005 4:22 PM EDT

I apologize for missing you Todd. Here's the list again!

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast
Steve G
[EG] Almuric
[STBD]Fuhgawz <---------- An Accidental Repeat

slurpz April 4 2005 6:51 PM EDT

lol another one of Myth's original ideas :)

krasko April 4 2005 7:42 PM EDT

[STBD]Fuhgawz (Fuhgawz) Mythology (Kindle) $105500 -- i trust you 2:17 PM EDT

Blarg April 4 2005 7:44 PM EDT

you arn't supposed to send it to someone who has already had it...

Nightmare [NewNightmares] April 4 2005 9:02 PM EDT

hehe, it would be delightfully ironic if Myth decided to keep the 100k :-D

Reebok April 4 2005 9:20 PM EDT

Maybe that was the plan all along...

::shifty eyes::

5583 days old {Gaza} April 5 2005 6:09 AM EDT

/me is still semi-active; and logs in more than once per day.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] April 5 2005 7:10 AM EDT

Myth was the first to pass Temptation you should not have sent it to him. An update post with a list of those already passing temptation would help, or at least pointing them to the rules first? :P

48Zach April 5 2005 8:06 AM EDT

:) myth can send it to me :P

Mythology April 5 2005 8:52 AM EDT

woot, can post, Fuhgawz noticed I hadn't actually passed temptation (read : "When it is your turn to pass temptation you will be sent money"). I am at the moment thinking of who not on the list will not let me / us down :p But I will be taking the road of loyalty, I couldnt let Fugz down.

Mythology April 5 2005 9:00 AM EDT

Mythology (Kindle) Lukey (Luke) $106000 -- I trust you 9:00 AM EDT

Fuhgawz April 5 2005 10:39 AM EDT

i shouldnt have passed temptation the second time i received the cash but oh well

{CB1}Lukeyman April 5 2005 2:01 PM EDT

Lukey (Luke) Blarg (Blarg Mk V) $106500 -- I Trust You :D

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 5 2005 2:39 PM EDT

Stupid technicalities. ;P

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast
Steve G
[EG] Almuric
[STBD]Fuhgawz <---------- An Accidental Repeat

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 5 2005 2:51 PM EDT

I'm going to get this right one of these days!

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
Steve G
[EG] Almuric
[STBD]Fuhgawz <---------- An Accidental Repeat

Blarg April 5 2005 6:47 PM EDT

Blarg (Blarg Mk V) Reebok (Modern Life) $110000 -- i trust you

I'm surprised lukey sent it to me, with my huge CB1 debt :P.

{CB1}Lukeyman April 5 2005 8:56 PM EDT

Well, i trust you :D


Bull3t F4c3 April 5 2005 10:11 PM EDT

this is like reality tv show

RAND0M-X April 6 2005 4:15 AM EDT

** haha this is going to be fun to watch. Cant wait to see what happens. I will probley forget about this contest so when its over can some one let me know how it turns out?

Reebok April 6 2005 8:20 AM EDT

Hmmm... what to do? Double my cash (yeah I know I'm broke) or retain my "CB Honor?"

Reebok April 6 2005 9:14 AM EDT

ARGHH! Nice guys finish last, but oh well...

Reebok (Reeboks Armory) Skunk (Unreal) $110500 -- I TRUST YOU!!!!!!!!! 9:13 AM EDT

Chargerz-Back April 6 2005 9:16 AM EDT

wait til this can buy me a elbow before sending it to me =P

Skunk April 6 2005 9:40 AM EDT

Skunk (Unreal) Ankh-Weasel (Garion) $111000 -- I trust you!

Nice contest :p lol

Ankh-Weasel [Non-ASCII Characters] April 6 2005 9:42 AM EDT

Ankh-Weasel (Garion) IndependenZ (Endeavor) $115000 -- I trust you. 9:41 AM EDT

Added some more money to make it that slightest bit more interesting.

AdminShade April 6 2005 9:43 AM EDT

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast
Steve G
[EG] Almuric
[STBD]Fuhgawz <---------- An Accidental Repeat

{CB3}-HR22 April 6 2005 9:48 AM EDT

? when are some lower players going to get involved, itll spice it up a bit.

Maelstrom April 6 2005 9:53 AM EDT

Strange how it has gone to all the relatively rich players at the start, when the transfer fees are low. By the time it gets sent to the poor players, they won't be able to afford the transfer cost!

Tribute April 6 2005 10:53 AM EDT

Being unknown sucks doesn't it? But just because we're minor characters in this contest doesn't mean we should complain though.

Hmm, this is just like the grandfather clause.

Skunk April 6 2005 10:53 AM EDT

I guess the higher people are trusted more :p lol

Mythology April 6 2005 11:30 AM EDT

Longer you play, more people who you get to know and trust, also it is generally assumed your wealth will also increase. There is no conspiracy :p

DizzyGuy April 6 2005 11:32 AM EDT

Unless you are just quiet in chat or in a different chat room =P

IndependenZ April 6 2005 11:53 AM EDT

IndependenZ (Endeavor) YOU-No 1 Forger[Cb2Bank] (Myrdin) $115500 -- I trust YOU! 11:50 AM EDT

I sent it to YOU! I must say, with a debt of a little over 100k, this came in quite conveniently.
But, even I have honor and pride to take care of. Have a good one!

3D April 6 2005 1:59 PM EDT

you know as it gets down to noobies left then they won't have a a clue and they'll keep it

Special J April 6 2005 2:25 PM EDT

this is getting to be quite the entertainment

3D April 6 2005 2:36 PM EDT

YOU-No 1 Forger[Cb2Bank] (Myrdin) Duke eltan (Magnus) $116000 -- I TRUST YOU 2:33 PM EDT

YOU can't post so he asked me to do it for him so yeah here it is.

Undertow April 6 2005 2:51 PM EDT

If someone sends it with me, I'll take the road is dishonor and split it with them.

AngryZac April 6 2005 3:02 PM EDT

I can't believe how big the pot has gotten so quickly, didn't go through all of them to see if anyone just threw a bunch in though. Considering how the community here works (mentors, completely transparent store and transfer logs, as well as self monitoring with multis etc) I'm not that shocked this has kept going...but eventually someone is going to drop the ball and let everyone else who didn't drop it down. Really am starting to wonder who the "Unlucky" fool will be? Seeing all the large names involved in this thing, have to wonder if keeping it could actually hurt them in the long run when it comes to business transactions in the game?

Picasso April 6 2005 3:04 PM EDT

this is pretty exciting. whoever keeps the money have a [disloyal] tag added to their name =D

3D April 6 2005 3:05 PM EDT

well undrtow IS in the MAFIA and
[BattleRoyale]Hacker (Noobs) budice (Shield) $117500 -- i trust you 3:02 PM EDT
if only i read your post earlier undrtow =P

AdminShade April 6 2005 3:10 PM EDT

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast
Steve G
[EG] Almuric
[STBD]Fuhgawz <---------- An Accidental Repeat
YOU-No 1 Forger[Cb2Bank]
Duke eltan

Mythology April 6 2005 3:48 PM EDT

[FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) Bast
Steve G
[EG] Almuric
[STBD]Fuhgawz <---------- An Accidental Repeat
YOU-No 1 Forger[Cb2Bank]
Duke eltan

Read first Shade :p Undertow, go to the beach and jump up on down on some kid's sand castle and stay away from here.

budice April 6 2005 4:13 PM EDT

(Shield) memnot (Krang) $118000 -- I trust you 4:11 PM EDT yes i took the easy way out and gave to only clanmate who has not had it yet.

Mem April 6 2005 5:28 PM EDT

Well, I passed...

memnot (Krang) moser (Cau) $118500 -- I trust you. 5:26 PM EDT

Chargerz-Back April 6 2005 5:37 PM EDT

i'm looking at this, and other than losing some respect by the community, how could it really affect someone to the the road of "disloyalty"?

moser April 6 2005 5:44 PM EDT

I was very close to keeping the money just for having to read this thread, next time, I will.

moser (Cau) Rubberduck (Riot) $119000 -- I trust you.. 5:42 PM EDT

SBW April 6 2005 5:48 PM EDT

Someone needs to add another 50k to the money =)

moser April 6 2005 5:54 PM EDT

oh, and he said he may be AFK for the next 8 hours or so when I chated with him earlier.

When it gets to 200k I would appreciate an accidental repeat!!

Tribute April 6 2005 11:32 PM EDT

8 hours?! Oh, this thread has been long gone from the recent threads list.

So, just wondering: Could you send it to me? I promise that I'm not disloyal. Though I wonder why I want to do this since I have to pay that transfer fee.

Bull3t F4c3 April 6 2005 11:36 PM EDT

getting to a fairly large pot
/me attempts to tempt u

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] April 7 2005 5:10 AM EDT

Rubberduck (Riot) Vicious (Boys From The Dwarf) $119500 -- i trust you.

Mythology April 7 2005 12:51 PM EDT

getting erie feeling...

slurpz April 7 2005 8:25 PM EDT

does he know about this thread? :P

Mythology April 7 2005 8:42 PM EDT

yes, yes he does, if I am online when a new player gets it passed to them they get chatmail. Maybe some mails from others may help? :D

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] April 7 2005 8:50 PM EDT

doubt it :D

Tribute April 7 2005 11:14 PM EDT

What's with all the :D? I would rather see >( or :P, but that's just me. Let's see what Vicious does. Will his character match his name? Will he viciously keep the hard-earned money of others. BTW, this really isn't a contest since you choose whether or not you win as well as the other players, but it is a fun experiment.

[FireBreathing]Chicken April 7 2005 11:22 PM EDT

lol. viciously keep the money?!

Tribute April 8 2005 10:43 AM EDT

Vicious might actually be the one CB shall hate.
Or. Or maybe he's quit. :(

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] April 8 2005 10:46 AM EDT

You know, I think that everyone has overlooked one small detail. What if the person who received the money does not trust *anyone* else with it? After all, it's a game about trust. Paranoia can break any trust chain.

Relic April 8 2005 10:48 AM EDT

Personally if he keeps the money, I think it would be cool. It would show how silly a thread like this is. But hey, maybe that's just me. :)

Mythology April 8 2005 11:03 AM EDT

I'm afraid you misunderstand the title, who should CB hate? The person that is meant to be is the person who sends the cash to someone who breaks the chain, so if Viscious takes the road of disloyalty, Rubberduck "loses" so to speak. Anyone can just keep money, its not hard to keep 100K of other people's money for nothing....

I can pick 5 people at least that I am 80% sure would take the money, anyone can do that, the aim was to find people who you could trust, everyone on the list found one other who would not show them up, except Duck.

It was / is also an experiment into how little amount of money it would take for people to be bought. If Viscous takes the money, he didnt do anything wrong, just took the road less travelled and showed how much he is worth. If the two of them split the money, the buck moves to whoever sent the money to Duck.

As to afk, Viscous is online, he has read the mail refering to this thread and posted about the same time saying he was repaying 100K of debt he owed, so yes, he is not un-active :)

From mails I've got, no I'm not annoyed, this game cost me about what, $1,000? and 5 minutes of time and was very interesting to follow, hope others enjoyed it :D

AdminG Beee April 8 2005 11:12 AM EDT

$1,000 well spent Myth.
With over 120 replies to this thread I think at the very least you should be congratulated for grabbing everyones attention.

Didn't cost me a $c though as no-one trusted this Scotsman with their cash ^.^

[Contests]Lyan[CB2BANK] April 8 2005 11:19 AM EDT

Just login today and see:
Vicious (Boys From The Dwarf) [Contests]Lyan[CB2BANK] (Garama) $108148 April 7 2005 11:55 AM EDT

He didn't say anything in CM either, and i have no clue why the money dropped from 119000 to 108148 :/

[Contests]Lyan[CB2BANK] April 8 2005 11:22 AM EDT

Oh never mind, he owed me 108148$ and i totally forgot about it.

Tribute April 8 2005 3:41 PM EDT

Ha ha ha hahahahaha! So it's over. Oh well. Guess I really am not trusted / need to be more active.

NSFY April 8 2005 3:51 PM EDT

I am more inclined to dislike the person who didn't send it on - especially since most of us don't really know each other.

QBsutekh137 April 8 2005 4:43 PM EDT

I will decide to dislike NSFY, because he has yet to send me the scrapple I requested.

sasquatchan April 8 2005 4:49 PM EDT


by scrapple, you mean the, ahem, "stuff" one eats for breakfast ? The ah, loaf o'pig parts ? Boy .. You want some of it ? I mean, my local grocer carries it, but I'm not that .. daring ..

NSFY April 8 2005 7:04 PM EDT

Chet, Chet, Chet...If I've told you once, I've told you three times. Give a man some soup and he eats for a day, teach him to make turkey chili, and he never goes hungry again!

How many times must I give you the secret of the scrapple?!?!?!

/whispers the secret one last time


Now get to slappin' !!!

moser April 8 2005 7:19 PM EDT

You want scrapple, just go get some head cheese, but for a real treat, ask for some blood pudding, nothing like a slice of scab to start you out for the day.

I don't think many people actually understood the 'hated person' portion of the contest.

Reebok April 9 2005 3:48 PM EDT

Wait so who do we hate? Vicious?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 9 2005 3:52 PM EDT

We should be hating Vicious, which is the main reason this started, to hate the person that kept the money...Nobody let Vicious buy anything unless its at least a mil bid over the original, That would be "mad at him enough"...and if he needs loans or borrowing say "sorry, you may keep it, I *don't* trust you."

Special J April 9 2005 4:01 PM EDT

paul, thats taking it a bit too far.

It was a game and it ended, doesn't matter if you like the ending, because it was a game and someone was going to keep it along the way anyhow.

Quit hating, laugh it off and move on.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 9 2005 4:14 PM EDT

ok, so there really was no point to this thread at all?

Special J April 9 2005 4:29 PM EDT

No, it had a point, but the point was to have fun with it, not stamp someone with a scarlet letter.
A very simple GAME, if everyone reads the following rules :)

It's at the top of the thread.

Reebok April 10 2005 4:54 AM EDT

I believe the top of the thread was...

Who Should CB Hate?

I think he deserves some nastiness =)

Phaete April 10 2005 5:33 AM EDT

/me would like to see a second rally.......
with perhaps 1-2 people excluded (as those not to be trusted with the money, and/or not to be trusted to find a trustworthy person) :D
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