512M PC2700 ram for only 50 bucks (in Off-topic)

Arorrr March 29 2005 5:14 PM EST

Got 1 from Circuit city, for only 47 bucks before tax (after rebate). It's a blast!

Hurry before it ends before April 2nd. Too bad, 1 per customer per address.

BrandonLP March 29 2005 5:19 PM EST

You do realize you can get it cheaper than that, correct? http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_attrib.php/page_id=43/sortby=popular-/vendors%5B%5D=0/popup1%5B%5D=5:207/popup1_attr_id%5B%5D=207/popup2%5B%5D=0/popup2_attr_id%5B%5D=210/popup3%5B%5D=0/popup3_attr_id%5B%5D=208/popup4%5B%5D=0/popup4_attr_id%5B%5D=237/popup5%5B%5D=50:206/popup5_attr_id%5B%5D=206/popup7%5B%5D=0/form_keyword=/lo_p=0/hi_p=0/sortby=priceAM You also forgot to mention the technology.

AdminJonathan March 29 2005 5:27 PM EST

tinyurl is your friend

but if you're too lazy to use html mode you're probably too lazy to use tinyurl :(

BrandonLP March 29 2005 5:30 PM EST

I take offense, Jon. I did use HTML mode to put no spell check tags on. =P

I guess I should get in the habit of making proper links.
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