Make me a Poem (in Contests)

{CB1}Lukeyman March 24 2005 3:27 PM EST

Ok, I need people to make me a poem.

The rhyming kind, like...

I like cats
they eat food
and i hate rats
they change my mood

:p like that kind of rhyme scheme, and i need at least 2 stanza's perferablly 4, with 4 lines on each.

What it has to be about:

It needs to be about a snowboarding mountain called Wentworth. The powm is supposed to be about my favortie place, and thats it. I go snowboarding there alot, and i love it up there, its very high and snowy and theres a chair lift.

So if anyone can make one from that stuff, and i use it, i'll give them 40k.

Keep it PG please :p

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] March 24 2005 3:34 PM EST

*arcs eyebrow* Is this your homework assignment?

DizzyGuy March 24 2005 3:36 PM EST

Snowboarding down ole' Wentworth
Feeling the rush of the cool breeze,
Steering my massive girth
Right between the trees.

more verses later maybe

Will [Retired] March 24 2005 3:40 PM EST

But I went down too quickly
So fast it made me swallow
I tripped up and went face-first
Into a moist hollow

Dark Skye March 24 2005 3:52 PM EST

Broken bones,
the freezing snow,
Screaming moans.
I had to Go, Wentworth.

Jagged Slopes,
My board just cracked.
I know the ropes.
Im going back, Wentworth.

Falling down,
My face is numb,
you'll see no frown
This is fun, Wentworth

wounds i feel,
The lodge is nice,
I need a hot meal.
last year i went twice, Wentworth

AdminG Beee March 24 2005 3:53 PM EST

I'm not like the rest
'Coz boardin's ma stuff
And for the best
You can't beat Wentworth

The snow is all white
I play hard all day
I do the half pipe
It's the only way

In the valley of snow
First a 360
There's no better show
It's really quite nifty

I do The Big One
I go really fast
I must hit a ton
And boy, that's my last

Mythology March 24 2005 5:58 PM EST

I like snow, not the drugs
I like boar-ding
not hanging with thugs
not only coke gives a zing!

my friends sleep with girls
thats how they get their thrills
not for me those sacred holes
just get me up Wentworth hills

I dont need a gun
to give me that power
for the one I call "hun"
is my board called "Flower".

So I will end my tale of love
by urging you to try boarding
it really is very good
not like girls, cars, guns, sex and drug running

{CB1}Lukeyman March 24 2005 6:02 PM EST

um..... myth...... Not really what im looking for..... its for my grade 9 class.... and the teacher...... yeah.......

anyhoo..... It should be more aimed at the mountain, but still with snow-boarding into it.

Looking good so far!

Reebok March 25 2005 12:21 AM EST

3 Problems here

1. The moral dilemma of doing someone's homework for them vs. 40k

2. I've never seen this place before, but it's a boarding hill, so I can make some educated guesses.

3. Wentworth is a pretty hard word to rhyme.

but here goes anyway =)

Through the slopes
the cold winds blow
I take a breath
and start off slow

As I descend
I pick up speed
to tend the urge
that I must feed

Flying now
past still trees
the bonds of Earth
have set me free

No shackles now
I'm free to roam
On Wentworth's hills
I feel at home

Well, that's it, it's no Robert Frost, but good enough for a ninth grade teacher.

Khardin March 25 2005 12:40 AM EST

broke my bones
rolling down the hill
snowboarding owns
until you take a spill

it's all about Wentworth
that frozen ice
my favorite place on earth
it's super tight

carnage blender might be sweet
but snowboarding is awesome bro'
carnage blender might be crazy l33t
it can't beat Wentworth though


send my winnings to sonhew for my poem is the best!

{CB1}Lukeyman March 25 2005 7:25 AM EST

Reebok, That, Is, Amazing!!!!!!!

I think we might have a winner there!

But maybe not, so keep it up!

Reebok March 25 2005 9:43 AM EST

Glad you like it!

McWhipenshiner March 27 2005 4:46 AM EST

I cut through fresh snow,
my heart tries to escape my chest,
the valley below,
the wind from the west.

The thrill of the race,
on the mountain of white,
I quicken my pace,
I wont waste the light.

Before the fall of dark,
I stop to admire the mountain,
the singing of a Lark,
the sound of a spring, a natural fountain.

The wonderland of snow,
this endless living earth,
the sun is sinking low,
on the mountain Wenworth

I hope this works for you...

and me.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2005 5:49 AM EST

Wow....... this is going to be hard picking from yours or reeboks. nice work!

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2005 5:50 AM EST

oh, and todays the last day for entrys.

Khardin March 27 2005 6:01 AM EST

For no reason.. I rewrote McWhipenshiner's poem to my tastes..
so if this works for you, blame McWhipenshiner. it was his poem with a very minor rewrite.

Fresh snow cuts,
through my blade.
An afternoon sky abuts
the newborn day.

Racers race
this mountain of white.
Quickening my pace,
I don't waste the light.

And when the day falls dark
I stare up the mountain.
The song of a lark
from the base of a summer fountain.

Wonderlands of snow,
endless living earth.
The sun sinks low
on this mountain Wentworth


maulaxe March 27 2005 5:16 PM EST

ok i know you said you liked that ryhming scheme(ABAB), but I will try limericks instead(AABBA).

I belong on the mountain named Wentworth,
for 'tis the best spot on the earth.
My board glides 'long the powder,
as in my ears wind gets louder -
it feels once again like rebirth.

Always I yearn for that pure white snow,
longing for the mountain my love to show.
when'ere I'm away from the slopes -
I always for the snow have high hopes;
My love only Wentworth will know.

sorry to not make it longer, but i'm all poemed-out for today.
have fun judging!

Reebok March 29 2005 12:52 PM EST

So who won? If you use my poem can you let me know what grade you get?

McWhipenshiner March 29 2005 3:49 PM EST

Im starting to wonder if Lukey is going to pay the winner.

My scam sences are on the fritz...

Reebok March 30 2005 2:52 AM EST

Lukey isn't usually the scammer type, but I would like to see a response here.

McWhipenshiner March 30 2005 3:02 AM EST

I hope your right.

I want to know who won, and what his teacher thought of the poem.

Reebok March 30 2005 3:08 AM EST

The "what the teacher thought" part is what I'm more concerned about. I have this wierd thing about the predictability of teachers.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 30 2005 3:07 PM EST

Ok, sorry about all the secrecy of not posting :p

I was really busy yesterday with school and other things.

Reebok of course won :p

I'll tell you my grade when i get it back, lol, but we were supposed to draw a picture about it and stuff.... and im not that good at that... so.... that might bring the mark down :p

I'll send your money :D

Special J March 30 2005 3:22 PM EST

Im a bum
I paid 40k
for this poem
Im a loser today.

Tribute March 30 2005 4:29 PM EST

/me thinks that this should count as plagiarism. However. . . .

Reebok March 30 2005 4:47 PM EST

Cool thanks man.

I agree that it's basically plagerism, but don't worry, I won't press charges =)

maulaxe March 30 2005 6:05 PM EST

its not plaigarism if he's paying you... celebrities do that all the time. Congratulations, you are now a ghost writer!

Special J March 30 2005 6:07 PM EST

Don't press charges, just call his teacher.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 31 2005 9:59 AM EST

Hurray for Ghosts!

maulaxe April 5 2005 9:41 PM EDT

or it could be blackmail material later on ;)

I hope you don't plan on going into politics...
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