AIM Conversation recovery (in Off-topic)

I finally see March 20 2005 9:06 PM EST

I wanted to save an AIM conversation, but accidently xed out of it. Is there any way to recover this conversation, like a hidden aim cache file? (I will award 10K to anyone who can help me recover it).

BrandonLP March 20 2005 9:07 PM EST

Not unless you've been using AIM+.

I finally see March 20 2005 9:08 PM EST

Is that a third party program?

DizzyGuy March 20 2005 9:18 PM EST

If you are using regular AIM, then no, you cannot recover it. AIM+ is indeed a third-party program

Sevare March 20 2005 11:18 PM EST

id like to put up Trillian as an excellent third party chat program, it automaticly logs all conversations when you close the chat window :P

DizzyGuy March 20 2005 11:20 PM EST

Used dead aim and aim+ for awhile... liked both... bad experience with trillian... lost my whole buddy list for two programs

{CB1}[umk]Fangs March 20 2005 11:42 PM EST

yeah i love trillian, but it loads a little slow for me...

Frod March 21 2005 1:01 AM EST

I'll put in a plug for GAIM. It supports every protocol under the sun, it's pretty solid, and it receives very regular updates (it's consistently one of the most "live" projects on sourceforge).

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 21 2005 1:53 AM EST

LoL, the AIM+ Site was hacked if you click where it says AIM+ is not fully compatible with AIM 5.x......So dont think I'll be downloadin that one....

{CB1}[umk]Fangs March 21 2005 2:01 AM EST

the only part hacked was the forum which is using phpbb v2.0.3... which probably has security issues since the latest version of phpbb is now v2.0.13
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