What's Happening? (in General)

Superman9 March 14 2005 10:49 PM EST

Nothing is stable anymore. Things are changing at a rather swift pace. Now i know we have to adapt to changes but this has thrown everything for a loop:

1. Tattoos - Are they worth anything anymore? - What are they worth?

2. Scores/PR - Why is everything so jumpy - The rewards change significantly almost daily when I fight the same guy!

3. ENCONOMY - What is it now? - Should we assume to see a CB2$ Vacuum soon? Higher costing items? When will it be stable.

4. Miscellaneous - How should this new Tattoo artist idea be dealt with if it happens? USD? CB2$?
- What changes are most likely to come in the near future?

CB2 is deffinately changing before our eyes - how are we going to cope with it? Please right your opinion it would much appreciated...

LumpBot March 14 2005 10:51 PM EST

Lol, you obviously didn't play much CB1 =P this is change month so...expect changes. Just be happy he only deleted Lesser Jigs instead of a major rare item!

Superman9 March 14 2005 10:53 PM EST

I know I understand how this is happening so fast but what can we expect to happen?

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] March 14 2005 10:55 PM EST

"Nothing is stable anymore. Things are changing at a rather swift pace. Now i know we have to adapt to changes but this has thrown everything for a loop"

Welcome to CB :P

1, Whatever people are willing to pay, just use FS/WTB to sell and set the min bid very low.

2, It'll even out eventually.

3, See my answer to 1.

4, No idea.

Nixon Jibfest March 14 2005 11:00 PM EST

When things do finally stabilize, Jon will introduce CB3.

3D March 14 2005 11:36 PM EST


[CB1]moniker March 15 2005 1:47 AM EST


all the meaty goodness of CB, without the crazy change months.

bartjan March 15 2005 2:09 AM EST

"This indeed changes everything. Before change, click, fight, click, fight, train. After change, click, fight, click, fight, train."

Duke March 15 2005 2:49 AM EST

I agree with him there been major change to Cb2

Score reward tat have chaneg twice in the month.

QBJohnnywas March 15 2005 7:02 AM EST

All you need to remember Superman9 is to never take anything for granted in the CB world. Don't rely on any one item, spell or skill because at some point it is likely there will be changes made that mean you have to rethink your strat very fast. All odd months are change months is the only definite thing and even that's debatable! =)

AdminG Beee March 15 2005 8:43 AM EST

Superman9, March 14 2005 10:53 PM EST
I know I understand how this is happening so fast but what can we expect to happen?

To understand what's next on the Carnage To Do list, Read No.5.

Arorrr March 15 2005 11:03 AM EST

Just take a consolation that there is only 15 days left in this change month. Then you can safely play for 1 month. Then the cycle repeats itself.

maulaxe March 16 2005 1:23 AM EST

odd numbered months?

well, I think that 8 is a pretty odd number, and 2 is pretty sketchy as well...
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