Bloodlust Question and Suggestion... (in General)

Relic March 11 2005 3:24 PM EST

As far as I understand BL it increases melee combat damage for the minion with it trained. My question is, if it only affects melee, why is the increased damage penalty given during ranged and melee rounds? It stands to reason that if it does not add any increased damage to ranged, then the penalty should not apply until melee rounds. Thoughts?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 11 2005 3:29 PM EST

Another question, Say i get archery or evasion, would BL still be granted?

And does it add on to an already BL trained minion?

QBsutekh137 March 11 2005 4:30 PM EST

Glory, I believe the penalty is turned off in ranged. You would have to look back through BL changelogs on CB1... Archery is turned off in melee, and BL is turned off in ranged -- all facets.

Relic March 11 2005 5:42 PM EST

I never played cb1, as far as I can tell, it is affecting ranged and melee.

Nightmare [NewNightmares] March 11 2005 5:52 PM EST

As told by Jonathan in this post.. (and yes, I went through the earlier ones to see if he changed it back).

Jonathan, March 27 2004 11:26 AM EST
you only take extra damage during the rounds that you do extra damage.

moser March 11 2005 5:53 PM EST

Will putting the guy in front and fighting archery guys give a definite answer to the question?

Undertow March 11 2005 10:41 PM EST

See, BL should SO give it's penalty in ranged.

Your running towards eachother in ranged, getting to melee. If your in a BLOOD LUST, why would you be dodging?

Nightmare [NewNightmares] March 11 2005 10:43 PM EST

its a balance thing.. Archery works only in ranged, and Bloodlust works only in melee.

maulaxe March 13 2005 12:47 AM EST

*Your running towards eachother in ranged, getting to melee. If your in a BLOOD LUST, why would you be dodging?*

if you are an archer, why would you be running?

and if someone with bloodlust is coming after you, you should be running the OTHER direction...
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