DX question (in General)

Bolfen March 11 2005 1:44 PM EST

Is the multiple hit determination done on a ratio of the attacking and defending DX or by the difference?

ie, which is more likely to produce multiple hits:
attacker = 2000 DX, defender = 20 DX (ratio = 100:1, diff = 1980)
attacker = 20,000 DX, defender = 10,000 DX (ratio = 2:1, diff = 10,000)

[EG] Almuric March 11 2005 1:50 PM EST

No-one (except Jon) knows for sure. I would guess it's a ratio.

maulaxe March 11 2005 4:49 PM EST

but that is not taking into account the fact that a lot more exp goes into those bigger numbers, in the first example the ratios of exp put into dex would be infinity (any amount, however small, is infinitely greater than zero).

so another question to add to the discussion - does the relative amount of exp invested count at all, or is it only the actual numbers?
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