Removed LTJKs from the game (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan March 8 2005 12:42 PM EST

Players holding Lesser Tattoos of Jigorokano were compensated according to the interpolated value from auctions data. (Yes, it went to the right person if yours was rented out or otherwise not in your posession.) No more will spawn.

Central Bank will be placing the following tattoos in auctions:

ToE x 20
ToA x 10
LToE x 20
LToA x 20
LToF x 10
LToI x 8
LtoS x 8

Half of these went in today; the other half will go in after the first half end. The Lesser tattoos start at 20k; normal ones start at 250k.

Devil Burrito March 8 2005 12:44 PM EST

/me waves by to all the little LToJ's

AdminJonathan March 8 2005 12:45 PM EST

... for those of you who are just joining us, Central Bank funds are used to provide stability to the CB economy. Sometimes that means they just get deleted; other times they are used to buy overcommon rare or semi-rare items from auctions.

Maelstrom March 8 2005 1:29 PM EST

Item meta-stats say there are still 93 LToJs, though none are shown when you click the link.

Bolfen March 8 2005 1:36 PM EST

so who had the biggest LTOJ before the deletion? I guess I'm a little surprised at the lack of response. Guess no one really used them much.

AdminJonathan March 8 2005 1:50 PM EST

Meta-stats are cached, as usual. Patience, grasshopper.

Will [Retired] March 8 2005 1:59 PM EST

Its as if it never existed.... muahahaha!

sasquatchan March 8 2005 2:30 PM EST


maulaxe March 8 2005 10:04 PM EST

'cus all the suckers who used LToJs were too small too afford real ones...


my wallet is now plump, but my newly tattooless body feels nude somehow... oh wait, I dont have armor on!

sasquatchan March 12 2005 2:38 PM EST

Ahh, curious about when the second half of items will hit auctions... 24 hrs past the first bunch finishing up..

/sore loser

AdminJonathan March 12 2005 3:15 PM EST

The second set is in auctions now.

AdminShade March 13 2005 4:09 PM EST

nice going :)

AdminShade March 13 2005 4:43 PM EST


<TscmWolf> my tat is gone grr
<Shade> ltoj?
<TscmWolf> yup
<Shade> then you have gotten more money tscm
<TscmWolf> I lent it out to someone

He lent out his tattoo and thus didn't get the compensation money

vendo March 13 2005 5:23 PM EST

" (Yes, it went to the right person if yours was rented out or otherwise not in your posession.)" Jon

I would guess this would not apply for non-loans. Generally in cases such as this Jon leaves it up to the parties involved to resolve the issue. Unless you are talking about an actual "system loan", if that's the case I don't see why he shouldn't (have) receive(d) the $.

Did he say which one it was?

AdminJonathan March 13 2005 9:43 PM EST

I don't mind read when I do these things. Neither do I read the 3000+ posts in PR first; if you transfer permanently but intend it to be a loan then it's your responsibility to claim your cash.
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