Tribute Nation is recruiting members (in General)

Tribute March 7 2005 5:03 PM EST

So far Tribute Nation seems to have attracted a drivel of noobs who just happen to chance upon the best open membership policy clan. I have no idea how to check this, but yes, this is and has to be true! So for now my clan will remain open so that any who may wish to be part of my wondrous clan, please join Tribute Nation. If you join and do not appear on the Scores for 1 week list, then you will be removed. Of course the checking must be done 1 week after you join.

Chargerz-Back March 7 2005 6:46 PM EST

i didn't know you guys recruiting was a big enough change to make it into changelog. but, what do i know?

Chargerz-Back March 7 2005 6:47 PM EST

ok, maybe it is in general and my computer is stupid.

Carnage Blender » Discussion Forums » Changelog » Tribute Nation is recruiting ...

TheEverblacksky March 7 2005 8:32 PM EST

I'm in the clan too... we're laid back but @ least 200 points a day or something around that. I mean you can strive. Or relax we're not going to strangle you if you don't achieve. Just ask to come on at least weekly.

Tribute March 8 2005 12:00 AM EST

Just to tempt you, we are actually having a bonus right now!

maulaxe March 8 2005 12:32 AM EST

if there are still spots left in about two days, i'd be honored to join you.

Tribute March 8 2005 12:56 AM EST

Sure there will be, maulaxe.

Tribute March 8 2005 4:36 PM EST

So does anybody else wish to be privy to the secrets of Tribute Nation?
Actually, we don't have any secrets, but if you want to, you should join!

TheEverblacksky March 9 2005 4:02 PM EST

we are doing great right now... in the top 24... so if any1 wants to join go straight ahead.
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