1) What's new in CB2?
2) Can I transfer my supporter ship over from CB1 to CB2?
March 4 2005 12:35 AM EST
1) Tattoos and various spell/skill changes.
2) No.
March 4 2005 12:45 AM EST
I suggest you examine the forums starting in Dec and work your way foreward.
Public Record and General are your best bets.
Changelog is also strangely enough quite good for finding the game changes. ;)
March 4 2005 7:33 AM EST
Erm....ya. Changelog also. :-)
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<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001EAk&msg_id=001EAk">Just got back from a hiatus, started pre-CB2. Thus, I have questions.</a>