Just got back from a hiatus, started pre-CB2. Thus, I have questions. (in General)

Mechanical Dragon March 4 2005 12:33 AM EST

1) What's new in CB2?

2) Can I transfer my supporter ship over from CB1 to CB2?

Descent March 4 2005 12:35 AM EST

1) Tattoos and various spell/skill changes.

2) No.

Mechanical Dragon March 4 2005 12:38 AM EST


vendo March 4 2005 12:45 AM EST

I suggest you examine the forums starting in Dec and work your way foreward.
Public Record and General are your best bets.

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] March 4 2005 2:49 AM EST

Changelog is also strangely enough quite good for finding the game changes. ;)

vendo March 4 2005 7:33 AM EST

Erm....ya. Changelog also. :-)
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