CBF changes (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan March 1 2005 5:43 PM EST

damage approximately halved resistance to FB lowered

BrandonLP March 1 2005 5:56 PM EST

And I'm going to guess that prices will approximately be cut in half by this.

xDanELx March 1 2005 6:04 PM EST

dang. so that is why i'm losing to people i normally farm. i lost half of my favorites list. =P

Majestik Moose March 1 2005 6:05 PM EST

Just brought back some life into the ToJ?

GnuUzir March 1 2005 6:14 PM EST

Haha who ever did not see this coming should just quit CB =P

AdminShade March 1 2005 6:52 PM EST

Jonathan, 5:43 PM EST
damage approximately halved resistance to FB lowered

please do correct me if i misinterpret this but:

CBF now does ~ 1/2 of the damage it USED to do (literally)

and the resistance to fb (of the CBF?) is lowered or of ANY unit in cb?

of cobf: you take damage from fb instead of being immune (which would really be a nerf)
on minions in general: people take larger hits of FB

Yohan March 2 2005 5:44 AM EST

I would venture to guess its for CoBF only considering the post title.

Devil Burrito March 2 2005 12:36 PM EST


CT [Monopoly] March 2 2005 12:41 PM EST


*Runs into the street dancing, before getting run over by a car*

CT [Monopoly] March 2 2005 12:43 PM EST

Lol, it's always made me laugh when I think of how a CLOAK does damage (Just picture a cloak in real life doing damage) :P

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 2 2005 12:54 PM EST

Now picture a cloak with an outside layer that is covered in writhing flames, hot enough to melt things around you, while keeping you nice and cool to the touch.

Help at all?


Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] March 2 2005 2:04 PM EST

/me waits for MoJ (Monstrosities of Jig) to be nerfed next...

{EQ}Viperboy March 3 2005 5:42 PM EST

i beleive th3ere is supposed to be a space or a period thats what confusing everyone
In regard to CBF
1)damage approximately halved.
this is the damage the cloak does its 1/2 of what it was.

2)resistance to FB lowered
Doesnm't say by how much bot the resistance against FB is lowered so FB will do more damage to CBF wearer than before.
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