BEWARE XBOX USERS! (in Off-topic)

Itchigon February 18 2005 10:44 AM EST

Xbox's have been blowing up, literally, so i suggest everyone turn off your xbox by the mains just in case.

Itchigon February 18 2005 10:51 AM EST

It's 1 in 10k but to be safe just turn off by the mains once finished with it.

Ankh-Weasel [Non-ASCII Characters] February 18 2005 11:25 AM EST

Not that I care all that much, but if you want some information, here's a news article:
Xbox fault found.

GnuUzir February 18 2005 11:30 AM EST

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha *pant pant* ha ha ha ha ha ha

</Insert random Xbox bashing here>

Ankh-Weasel [Non-ASCII Characters] February 18 2005 11:38 AM EST

Sounds about right, Gnu.

Maelstrom February 18 2005 1:02 PM EST

Shouldn't the chance of an explosion add an extra bit of excitement to playing on the system?

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] February 18 2005 1:17 PM EST

It's not a bug, it's a feature! For those that need a little extra adrenaline while playing.

AdminShade February 18 2005 1:20 PM EST

I also heared that they were recalling half of the power plugs from the XBOX...

Undertow February 18 2005 1:23 PM EST

If you contact microsoft they'll send you a replacement for free

{CB1}Lukeyman February 18 2005 6:29 PM EST

Mines ok, since i'm one of those people who had to wait like 2 years after it came out to buy one :P

48Zach February 18 2005 9:19 PM EST

i just bought mine after christmas.

Itchigon February 19 2005 9:28 AM EST

It doesnt matter when you bought it though because my friends blew up and he got it at christmas

[From CB1]Tequito February 19 2005 11:57 AM EST

hah... I think my plug needs to be recalled. it always falls out of the back of the system... ever since I got it.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] February 19 2005 1:56 PM EST

i have a gamecube......*starts to cry*

[Banned]Monty March 9 2005 1:48 AM EST

lol I just bid on one on Ebay :D

Chargerz-Back March 9 2005 2:05 AM EST

do people not know how to read...? if you have an xbox, read on the bottom to see when yours was manufactured. if it was before a certain date, then they will send you a replacement. there is no blowing up of anykind. just you have a chance of your cord melting to the console and having to buy a whole new unit. =P

Reebok March 9 2005 6:20 PM EST

I just got my recall slip a couple days ago. I felt really special getting a letter from Microsoft that wasn't telling me to pay them.

Xenko March 9 2005 10:04 PM EST

I just got my free replacement power cord today :) Only took about 2 weeks.
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