new favorites list feature (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan January 31 2005 9:24 AM EST

inspired by Stephen.

Xiaz on Hiatus January 31 2005 9:35 AM EST

"Add Characters who have me in their favorites"

Just to point it out to all those who are wondering.

AdminG Beee January 31 2005 9:38 AM EST

Nice change, good idea Stephen.

Mythology January 31 2005 9:38 AM EST

so you can add all the people who can beat you to your fight list *confused*.

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 31 2005 9:41 AM EST

Nice change!

/me has to watch my back, I have a Toad and a 11 PR character with me on their fightlist!

[LB]Iceman January 31 2005 9:50 AM EST


*charges forth*

AdminG Beee January 31 2005 10:04 AM EST

Myth, I'm guessing it's gonna be used more as a "view for info" button than a "commit suicide and add" button.

I still like it. Although yes, it's functionality is beyond me. No doubt I'm missing the point however...

Todd January 31 2005 10:18 AM EST

I'm as confused as some of the others are on this one. Why would I want to add people to my list who beat up on me?

Now, if there were a "show me who has me on their favorites list", that's a different story :)

Chargerz-Back January 31 2005 10:28 AM EST

so many people hate me!

/me runs away crying

QBJohnnywas January 31 2005 11:07 AM EST

I guess you could use it for info - checking out what strats you are vulnerable to. But you can work that out from your recent battles list. Fun to see whose lists you are on though! =)

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 31 2005 11:12 AM EST

Stephen wrote:

"I'd like to see people who have my char in their fightlist, to give me a focus on people who can regulalry beat me up."

Stephen's request was in response to the thread What would you suggest (new window)

AdminShade January 31 2005 11:34 AM EST

sweet, 3 people that have me on their list cant even beat me

[EG] Almuric January 31 2005 4:09 PM EST

8 people have me on their list. 6 of them don't have a prayer of beating me. All I can guess is that those characters went inactive about the time we were at similar PRs.

Stephen January 31 2005 5:26 PM EST

Thanks, I did indeed suggest it as a "show me who has me on their favorites list", you don't need to go ahead and add them!

Ankh-Weasel [Non-ASCII Characters] January 31 2005 6:26 PM EST

Oooh, fun.
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