Multi Mistake-Need an Admin (in Public Record)

[AM] Severe January 21 2005 7:22 PM EST

If you are an admin and you are reading this. i need your help.

I made a big mistake that could get me banned. i accidentally made another account by putting in a different email address while trying to log in. And now i was told to post up here for this. I need an admin to delete the accident account "severe".
Sorry for the inconvenience but i hope that someone please help me and deal with this.

thanks for your time.

Max January 21 2005 7:32 PM EST

Severe was reset and retired. You had no transfers to or from him except for a purchase/sale to the store. Only fought 16 battles. I will contact a full admin to take care of the account deletion and to handle anything else.

[EG]The Saint January 21 2005 8:55 PM EST

I've deleted the account "severe".

[AM] Severe January 21 2005 8:57 PM EST

thanks guys for taking care of this

private January 22 2005 7:17 AM EST

What about shocking?

krasko January 22 2005 8:54 AM EST

and what about sputnik7 ?it seems the same guy

[EG]The Saint January 22 2005 9:43 AM EST

Shocking and sputnik7 have been banned. 5h0ck1ng has been warned. If you're going to come clean, make sure you come clean all the way.
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