Percentage Exp Training? (in General)

Destluck January 17 2005 11:45 PM EST

Perhaps you could have something where we can enter a percentage on CB2.

iMy strat calls now for 25% HP, 12.5% DX, 37.5% FB, 25% DM and well, figuring out fractions for that is hard, so I have to raise one or two stats at a time to do anything with this. Also it would be nice if you could put 1/4 on 4 stats, and it uses up 25% of the main # when you do it, or let you select that.

bartjan January 18 2005 12:27 AM EST

1/4 on 4 stats is: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, max.
25%, 12.5%, 37.5%, 25% is: time to find a new training 'strategy' ;)

Or you could first train 1/4 HP, 1/2FB. Then train 1/3 DX, max DM.

AdminJonathan January 18 2005 12:40 AM EST

The universe still revolves around Destluck, who I notice is too important to bother with things like FAQs. Some things never change, I guess.

Destluck January 18 2005 12:51 AM EST

Well Jonathan, considering I have talked to others that like the idea. I am sorry for making an honest to god suggestion. I didn't say for it to be implemented for me, I was using myself as an example.

Undertow January 18 2005 2:19 AM EST

It's been suggested before Dest, and I KNOW I read somewhere that he said that the code made the interface horrible, and tedius and stupid and stuff. But I can't find where he said that for the life of me, I've been looking for far too long now.
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