Can't Reconcile Store Purchase Log and Item Meta-Stats (in General)

Xenko January 7 2005 6:49 PM EST

I'm a bit confused, maybe someone can explain this. According to the item meta-stats there are 5 ToE's in existance, and only four people are listed as owning them, so I am assumed that one person had two, and so off I went to try and figure out who owned two as I want to purchase one. I went through the store purchase/transfer logs of the people that are supposed to own ToE's and could only find one ToE per person.

Then I searched the store transfer logs and found:

dj1914 (dept of defense) buy A Tattoo of Endurance ($2206) January 1 2005 11:41 AM EST

I then checked dj1914's purchase/transfer logs and can find no indication that he sold/transfered the ToE, and he hasn't transferred any characters either that could have had the ToE.

My question is, where did this ToE go if the system says he bought one, and hasn't transferred it/sold it, and yet it also says he doesn't own one, and none of the people who are listed in item meta-stats appear to own two?

QBJohnnywas January 7 2005 6:51 PM EST

I saw this too. It seems to me that if you put things into rentals they don't show as being owned in the Item Meta-Stats.

Xenko January 7 2005 6:55 PM EST

I didn't think of rentals and yes the fifth one is there. That's kind of annoying but I'll know to look for it next time. Thanks for pointing it out :D

QBJohnnywas January 7 2005 6:55 PM EST

No problem! =)

private January 7 2005 6:59 PM EST

Also, item meta stats is cached (but only for an hour so that isn't the reason).
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