increased tattoo loan fees (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan January 5 2005 12:43 AM EST

to the cost of two one-way permanent transfers, to be precise.

[P]Mitt January 5 2005 1:17 AM EST


thanks jon!

private January 5 2005 1:48 AM EST

Considering the prices people were paying for loans, I'm not sure the loaning will end. I suspect people might stop paying (or at least not pay much), though. Of course, it's still worth it to loan to people who are going to buy BA.

SNK3R January 5 2005 10:25 AM EST

I agree, private. I still think people will loan out their tattoos at just about full force as well. Take, for example, the highest tattoo right now: Most expensive armor at $327,294 is A Tattoo of Jigorokano lvl 22,170 owned by Sedecim (Master Xi).

Now, .5% of that NW = $1,636.47

Multiply it by Jon's newest increase in tattoo loan fees (x2) = $3,272.94

Most people will think this is chump change. You can make this and much more just by using your 160 BA. Once your BA is done, loan it off to people until your BA refreshes a couple of times, get your tattoo back, use your BA, earn more money, and start all over.

SNK3R January 5 2005 10:45 AM EST

By the way, too bad Jon didn't make all transfer loan fees of any tattoo retroactive. :)

I would love to have seen those people go into the negatives and have to make a new character.

Bolfen January 5 2005 2:10 PM EST

At least this gives some incentive to form economic clans ;)

{CB1}Sparticus [Screwed Justice] January 5 2005 2:23 PM EST

I say make the change retro-active i only loaned mine twice so it wouldn't bother me at all. I think its only fair considering people are toting around ToJ's of over 12k only because of loaning.

[GR8]{KREEFT}The Chemist January 7 2005 11:07 AM EST

Jonathan can you confirm the permanent xfer fee of tattoos is 1.5%?
If not there is an error since I got charged 3% of NW for a loan of a tattoo and it should be twice the the normal xfer fee,
meaning it should be 1.5% for a one way xfer.

AdminJonathan January 8 2005 12:18 PM EST

increased fees for renting tattoos as well.

Steve G January 8 2005 1:30 PM EST

i would hope that they have been nerfed enough that you can reduce xfer fees, right now its costing me about 8k for a 1hour loan, or 2way permanent xfer fee. yet the return is 3-6k NW addition

Mythicpunk [Mythic Punks] January 9 2005 1:27 AM EST

I think that's part of the point, steve... at some point, it has to become a reign on the size of tattoos.

daishinzo January 9 2005 1:37 AM EST

Rental fees are a killer though. I was making nice money renting my tattoos out now it takes away half my profit if I am lucky enough to have it rented full time =[

AdminJonathan January 27 2005 10:25 AM EST

Added a nw fee to tattoo rentals.

Lumpy Koala January 27 2005 10:37 AM EST

LOL you should make Tattoo available for permanent transfer ONLY :P

Mythicpunk [Mythic Punks] January 27 2005 10:41 AM EST

is the fee the NW of the tattoo, or some portion therof?

Mythicpunk [Mythic Punks] January 27 2005 10:44 AM EST

just tested it with a lvl 670 tattoo... it seems to have replaced the earlier tattoo rental fee increase, is that correct (and is only a portion of NW)
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