January 4 2005 2:56 AM EST
Hi everyone, I recently lent out a TOJ lvl 6800 or so to a guy named Copenhagen (Cajunman) and he promised to send it back after using his BA's to upgrade it. I should of made it public record. Now I see he's transfered it to another character Evilbones (Evilbones) and logged off without a response to my requests for it back. By the looks of his transfers, this guy has so many accounts its not funny... please someone look into this and if he gets banned, please return my TOJ to character name Shlag.
Shlag transfers to Cajunman:
Cajunman to Evilbones:
look at the IP's all the same for like 8 accounts, thanks for your time.
=> Copenhagen hi
<Copenhagen> send to caunman
<Copenhagen> Cajunman
<Copenhagen> sorry
=> Copenhagen ok it won't be a normal rental tho, i sent it permanently then you send it back when you burn your 160 ba's is that cool?
<Copenhagen> coll
=> Copenhagen then PM me when your done and transfer it back to me "Shlag" and i'll give you $1500 CB2 Cash
=> Copenhagen done
=> Copenhagen btw: you'll need $450 cb2 cash to send it back to me, thats where the $1500 comes in when I get it back
=> Copenhagen good luck, it is one of the best in the game atm
<Copenhagen> ok
=> Copenhagen grin ya beat that 9700 pr guy np ;)
No longer speaking in private.
=> Copenhagen out of interest, how many BA's do you have left?
No longer speaking in private.
No longer speaking in private.
=> Evilbones hey Copenhagen, let me know when your done with the TOJ, I got another guy lined up... :) thanks
=> Evilbones u there?
=> Evilbones can I please have my TOJ back since it doesn't look like your using it any more atm
=> Evilbones ok I guess since your not responding I'm going to talk to the op's
No longer speaking in private.
PS: I know I'm dumb and will never do a transfer of a TOJ without it being an official loan.
January 4 2005 3:16 AM EST
"If 2 people enter into a deal, and it is posted here, and one person backs out, or scams the other person, here is what will happen:
If person A scams person B, we will reset A. We do not want to encourage scamming. BUT, it is your responsibility to make sure the person you are dealing with is trustworthy. We also do not want to encourage the thinking of, "so what if this guy offering me a loch for $100k is scamming me, all I have to is whine to the admins to get my money back." So no, we're not in the property recovery business. Same goes for loan installment payments. In other words: if you want truly scamproof trading, your only option is the auction system."
Good for you saving the logs, otherwise he may have been able to keep it as you never made any record of the transfer. Now, the bad thing is, if he did scam you...he will get in trouble but you won't get your tatt back.
As it says: "So no, we're not in the property recovery business."
Sorry bud, you shouldn't get your hopes up about getting this back if he does not return it. =\
January 4 2005 3:45 AM EST
And this is yet more proof of the folly of permanently transferring anything to anyone unless you are selling it ;)
January 4 2005 9:35 AM EST
I've banned Evilbones + his 4 multis.
In this one instance I will be willing to send back your TJK in return for $50k sent to Central Bank. I'll be gone for a couple hours but I'll look for it when I get back.
January 4 2005 1:05 PM EST
Ok Deal, I got that 50k.. Thanks Jon and staff!
January 4 2005 1:27 PM EST
Wow, Jon has gone soft :P
January 4 2005 5:04 PM EST
Wow, Shlag. You really lucked out.
Barrock Obama
January 4 2005 5:12 PM EST
So it seems I got scammed by the same dude. I want my Tat back. Don't worry, that'll be the first and last time I loan the thing out.
January 4 2005 5:16 PM EST
Yeah that guy scammed me too! I want my stuff back. Send Loch Sarzec! K Thx bye.
January 4 2005 5:20 PM EST
I'm not even going to dignify that guy with a responce...
January 4 2005 11:47 PM EST
Loch's aren't that great anymore Sarzec. :P
what guys? There are loans now... and Public Records! How can you still get scammed? =/
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