Looking for a Clan (in General)

Telkir January 3 2005 10:53 AM EST

I formed Cobalt Guild on Saturday without really thinking things through too well, and I'm looking for another clan. If any active clans would be interested in having me as a member, drop me a chatmail and I will transfer my leadership and join you.

My main char (recently renamed to 'Vanguard') stands right now at just under 5,500K PR / 5,781 Score. I anticipate being able to spend 200 BAs a day at the very least for the foreseeable future.

Hope to hear from you... :)

Bolfen January 3 2005 11:12 AM EST

Why not make Cobalt Guild work? After all, you spent the money already (plus all those chars spent money to join your clan).
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